Big Companies / Brands Using Moodle

Highlight, LMS, Online Training

The open source learning platform, Moodle, is now seen by many as the best corporate LMS, and there are plenty of big companies using it to manage and track their e-learning.

Moodle may have started as an education tool for schools, colleges and universities, but that background helped to ensure that it was created from the ground up with sound pedagogical principles.

Being created by educators, for educators is a fundamental strength of the platform, which led it to become not only the leading virtual learning environment (VLE) for education, but the world’s most popular LMS overall for good reason. The platform’s place as corporate elearning software has been furthered with the development of Moodle Workplace, which is designed for the needs for business training.

Moodle - open source learning platform


There are many private companies, large organisations and big brands using Moodle across every sector, with examples in recent years including:

  • IT and Technology – eg Microsoft
  • Financial Services – Allianz
  • Healthcare – NHS in the UK
  • Charity / Not-for-Profit – World Vision
  • Foreign Language Training – CLL Language Centres
  • Telecoms – Vodafone
  • Military & Defence – the US Defence force
  • Energy – Shell
  • Food & Drink – Coca-Cola
  • Automotive – Mazda
  • Professional Bodies – British Weight Lifting
  • Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGOs) – The World Bank & The United Nations

The extent of this list demonstrates that Moodle has the capabilities and flexibility to be a top learning platform for corporate, public and not-for-profit sector environments, while meeting the educational standards expected by the top universities, such as Barcelona, London School of Economics, Shanghai International, Mumbai, Columbia, and the Open University in the UK.


Top Moodle Partners & Providers for Business, Public Sector & Charities

If you’re looking for a reliable company to deliver on your e-learning requirements for the workplace using an open source platform, then Moodle Partners or those proven in developing the platform are a good place to start. These have been vetted as providers of good quality LMS services and customer support.

These are some of the top Moodle Partners and expert providers with experience of delivering charity, public sector or corporate LMS solutions:


Open LMS

Open LMS

Open LMS create learning platforms for education providers, including colleges, universities and K-12 schools, as well as businesses and the public sector. The company acquired eThink – a well-established Moodle Partner in the US, as well as eCreators, to help clients with cloud-hosted LMS solutions, system integrations and more to make the most of open source technology.

US / Canada telephone number:
+1 (877) 938-5328

UK / Europe / Middle East:
+44 203 608 9366

Latin America / Spanish speakers:
+57 1300 913 122

Asia Pacific / Australia:
+61 1300 913 112



Day One Technologies

Moodle LMS services from Day One

One of the most exciting and innovative e-learning providers in the UK, Day One Technologies have been building a strong, international presence by combining expert LMS and content solutions with customer service excellence.

They have clients across a wide range of sectors, including Healthcare, Banking, Finance & Insurance, Retail and Not-for-Profit. They are one of the best LMS providers in 2024, and no doubt for a long time to come.

This full-service e-learning provider can help you with Moodle design, development, 3rd party system integration, hosting, training, support and more.

Learn more about Moodle LMS solutions from Day One over on their website. You will also find a range of elearning and corporate LMS case studies for global brands.

Day One Technologies Ltd
Unit 67, Batley Business and Technology Centre
Grange Road
Batley (near Leeds)
West Yorkshire WF17 6ER



Enovation e-Learning

Established in 2000, this online learning company has a background in software and services for the finance sector. They now provide e-learning solutions for businesses and education providers, with offices in Ireland and France.

Enovation Solutions Ltd
The Friary
Bow Street
Dublin D07 X680
Tel: +353 (0) 1 602 4784

Whatever your sector and online training requirements, Moodle is a leading, enterprise-level LMS that offers the freedom, flexibility and continuous improvement potential that makes open source technology so great.

One of the top Moodle Partners and providers above should be able to help you make the most of this learning platform and meet both your current and future training requirements.

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